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What is Zombieism?Zombieism is the result of the toxin released by the Zombierichia Coli toxigenic bacteria, a Gram negative rod, called toxigenic Z Coli for short. This toxin results in the shutdown of all cerebral and most cerebellar function due to vasospasm of all Circle of Willis arteries and the distal Vertebral arteries. This leaves only the brainstem functional. As a result of the loss of mental capacity, loss of the Limbic System and much of the Cerebellar function.
Does the Zombie have feelings?The Zombie exists at the level of a bacteria with no feelings except to feed itself. They have no concept of Fear, Love, Joy or Sorrow. They are only interested in eating. Unfortunately, with diffuse Z Coli infection, they also get necrosis of extremity musculature and can lose tissue and functionality in their arms and legs. The Z Coli is found in their saliva and is transmissible to anyone they bite or anyone that gets their blood or saliva in an open wound.
Is there a progression?Yes. The progression usually takes about 6 weeks from healthy to Full Zombie although some cases have taken longer; with a slow lose of intelligence and emotions over the course of several months Thankfully The Galaxy King has provided information on how to combat Z Coli cerebral damage using Auditory Nerve stimulation through the brainstem to the Temporal lobe of the brain. With the right sequence of auditory stimulation it is possible to reverse the vasoconstriction of the cerebral arteries, flush out the Z coli toxin and restore Supratentorial function to the brain.
Is there a treatment for Zombieism?The sequence of sound frequencies found on the Zombie Transition Therapy mini-album has been designed by The Galaxy King to provide treatment for Z coli induced Zombification. It is most effective in the first 4 weeks of infection but with intensive listening it can reverse even a fulminate case.
Do you recommend headphones?If the infected patient is lucid we recommend headphones ( although room speakers are acceptable) with back to back listening to the therapy recording three times a day for a week, then twice a day for a week, then at least once a day for a month.
Are restraints required?If your patient is in late-stage Zombie condition, restraints will be required for at least the first two treatments.
What can I do for a Zombie?Do you know a family suffering from zombiefication of a loved one? Why not step up and send them a CD or Thumb drive of ZT Therapy? It makes a great Christmas or Birthday gift and may be just what the Doctor ordered to bring back an loved one from pit of Z coli infection and debilitation. Remember what Dr Bonzii says, " Zombies used to have feeling too!"
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