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War No More

The Galaxy King did not make the creation to kill itself.  if he wants death to occur;  it comes.  He needs no help in bringing death.


He desires higher level human interactions. 


While love is more intricate and complex to create and maintain;  that is the Galaxy King's desire for the human species.  The lower species may kill their problems but the top level beings are to love away their problems and though it may be arduous and prolonged;  it brings revelation and understanding to the human mind.  It sets you up to  better understand the Galaxy King and to better provide companionship for him. 


Human leaders that want to kill their problems are lazy and arrogant.  The Galaxy King disapproves of such leadership.  


The mission he has given you is to learn how to love your problems away, not to kill other humans in an ignorant, brutish reaction to a problem you don't even fully understand.  


A higher understanding of reality is to be strived for.  


The Galaxy King needs no help with his project.  If humans need to be killed, he will take care of it.  His desire for you is this:


  • "Attain wisdom"

  • "Learn to love and become more like Me"

  • "War no more."


The Galaxy King, an inhabitant of the Seventh Dimension and Creator of our dimension, has formed some music to turn the hearts of our leaders away from war, and back to peace and righteousness resulting in joy.  


Why not send your Representatives in the House of Representatives and the Senate a CD or thumb drive to help them better relate to your desire for peace and harmony in the world.  


It's The Galaxy King's Way.  His songs on "War No More" will shift the human limbic system from bellicosity to reciprocity!  Three times is Charm.

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